Aftercare Instructions

Here are a few recommendations for how to best treat your new ink. The average healing time for a tattoo is ~2-3 weeks. Keep in mind that everyone heals differently, so if your timeline or needs vary; no worries!

The Do’s

—Always make sure to wash your hands before touching your tattoo; this is one of the easiest ways to avoid infection/complications in the healing process

—Let your artist know if you are not fully informed of the typical inherent risks associated with getting a tattoo including but not limited to: scarring, infection, difficulties in detecting melanoma, allergic reactions from tattoo pigment, latex usage, ointments/lotions and/or soaps

Derm Shield / Second Skin / Saniderm:

In most cases, a fresh tattoo will be secured in a clear bandage that you can keep on for 3-4 days as a part of your aftercare. I use a bandage called Derm Shield by Recovery Aftercare. It is latex free and water resistant. With this bandage, the tattoo will be safe from outside agents like dirt and pet hair. During this healing period, it is normal to see a small pool of liquid in the bandage. This liquid is a mix of plasma, blood and extra ink from the tattoo. As long as the skin is not irritated, and the liquid is not leaking, it may be kept on for 3-4 days.

When you feel a dry and itchy sensation on your tattoo, the bandage is ready to be removed. This usually happens around day 3-4, but it may be taken off before then if needed. Derm shield bandage is easiest to take off in the shower, with warm water and anti-bacterial soap to help ease the adhesive. Once fully removed, wash the tattoo well with antibacterial soap and let it airdry. Once dried, apply moisturizer. (see below).


Wash 2-3 times a day. Non-scented, liquid, antibacterial soap is your best cleaning agent. Scented soap can cause reactions and dryness that may impede your tattoo’s ability to heal correctly. For extra sensitive skin, I recommend testing on a small unaffected area first, and stop at any sign of irritation. Gentle hand rubbing with soap and water is sufficient. Air dry, or use a clean paper towel to dry (never use a dirty/unclean towel to dry, especially during your initial recovery period.

Moisturize your Tattoo

Apply 2-3 times a day. Unscented lotion, ointment, or oil applied after washing is crucial to the healing process and prevents over-drying, peeling, cracking, and other unwanted damage. Small amounts of CryBaby, Aquaphor, A&D Ointment, any unscented lotion, or natural oil in thin applications are recommended for your tattoo. Apply when tattoo has just been cleaned, and whenever it feels itchy, dry, or peeling.

The Dont’s

—Do not touch public or soiled surfaces with your tattoo. This includes gym equipment, seats, walls, cars, pets, used bed sheets, etc. If you do bump an unclean surface, wash your tattoo right away

—Do not go into standing water, including pools, hot tubs, bubble baths, lakes, oceans, ponds or puddles. If your tattoo gets splashed, wash right away

—Do not expose your tattoo to sunlight. Sunscreen should be avoided for the first two weeks, as it is not meant to be absorbed into the lower levels of your skin. Covering your tattoo is best practice until it is fully healed

—Avoid scrubbing your tattoo; using a washcloth, loofa, or other scrubber can cause your ink to pull out, and possible scarring to occur. Gentle hand rubbing with soap and water until it is clean is sufficient and will avoid this

—Do not expose your tattoo to harsh chemicals/ingredients which may damage the tattoo and reduce its longetivity.



Call your physician at the slightest sign of infection. If you show any signs of infection such as; fever, yellowish/green liquid/pus discharge, excessive swelling, or other abnormalities, contact a physician for proper treatment.

—The studio Hailstorm Tattoos operates within
[Nest Art Collective, 7460 W 38th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033]
is licensed by Jefferson County Public Health.

*If you received a tattoo from me, it was performed under sanitary conditions, utilizing best-practice sterilization techniques, quality equipment and disposables, and best tattoo pigments. The chance of infection or damage to your tattoo is minimal if these aftercare instructions are followed accordingly. Please contact your physician if you experience any unreasonable discomfort that causes you concern*